Let Me Tell You Something About Love people will say how could you still love them after what they did?
here goes...The Name is Roy Dawson Earth Angel Master Magical Healer
Let Me Tell You Something About Love
Love isn’t a light switch. It’s not something you can just flick on or off whenever you want. People like to pretend they have control over it, especially when they've been hurt by someone they love. They say things like, “I’m done,” or “I’ll never forgive them,” as if they can just shut off the love they feel like it’s some kind of faucet. But let me tell you something—if you can shut love off like a light switch, that ain’t love.
Real love is messy. It’s complicated. It’s not a neat little package you can wrap up in a bow and put away when it gets inconvenient. Love is the part of us that stays when things get hard, when life gets ugly, when people disappoint us. It’s the part of us that fights for what we care about, even when we're hurt. And yes, that means love sometimes gets taken for granted. Love gets hurt. It gets walked on. And still, it stays.
It’s easy to love when everything is going right, when both people are on the same page, sharing the same dreams and making each other laugh. But what happens when things go wrong? What happens when the person you love betrays you, hurts you, or walks away? That’s when you find out what love really is.
True love doesn’t throw in the towel when the going gets tough. It doesn’t give up when your heart is broken or when the other person makes a mistake. Love is patient. Love is kind. But love is also resilient. It doesn’t just disappear when it’s inconvenient.
And here’s the thing people don’t want to admit—love still lingers. Even when we’re angry, even when we’re hurt, even when we feel like we can’t go on anymore… love lingers. It might not be the same as it was before. It might hurt, or it might be buried under layers of resentment, but it’s there. Love leaves a mark. And that mark isn’t always easy to erase.
People think they can shut love off because it hurts too much. They tell themselves, "I’m over it, I’m done with them." But deep down, if you could truly flip that switch, then maybe it wasn’t love in the first place. Love doesn’t just disappear like that. Love is a force. It’s like gravity—it doesn’t just stop because you tell it to. If check here you can walk away without looking back, maybe what you felt was infatuation, or attachment, or something else. But love? Love stays with you. And it takes time to heal, to grow, to forgive, and to find peace again.
You can’t control love. You can’t decide, "Alright, that’s it—I’m cutting them off, and I won’t feel anything anymore." If it were that easy, would it even be worth it? If love could be controlled, it Self-Love wouldn’t be the powerful force it is. Love is messy because people are messy. Relationships are messy. And love, in its truest form, doesn’t expect perfection. It only asks for understanding, forgiveness, and patience.
When someone you love does you wrong, you can feel betrayed, angry, and sad. But that doesn’t mean the love disappears. It means that love is check here being tested, and in many ways, that’s when you find out what kind of love you really have. Does it stand the test of time? Does it endure the mistakes click here and failures? Does it grow stronger in the face of adversity, or does it crumble?
Love is about forgiveness. It’s about learning and growing together, not just in the good times, but in the tough ones too. And yes, sometimes that means walking away for a while, taking a break, or setting boundaries. It’s okay to protect yourself, but don’t confuse that with shutting love off completely. Love doesn’t come with an off button. It stays, sometimes in the background, sometimes buried deep in your heart, but it stays. And when you’re ready, when the time is right, it will find its way read more back to the surface.
So, let me tell you something: If you can shut love off with a flick of your wrist, it wasn’t love in the first place. Real love isn’t easy. It’s not something you can just decide to turn off when it hurts. It’s something that stays with you, even when you don’t want it to. And that’s what makes it so powerful. That’s what makes it worth fighting for.
Love isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being real, and real love never just fades away.
Love isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being real, and real love never just fades away. Did I just write another song? Good grief. ???????? #SongwriterProblems #RealLove #SouthernRock